Asanga welikala biography

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    Asanga (Thogs-med, Skt. Asaṅga) was born in approximately CE in Purushapura, the main city of Gandhara, present-day northern Pakistan. His brahmin mother, Prakashashila (gSal-ba’i tshul-khrims, Skt.

    Prakāśaśīla), in her previous life, had been a learned Buddhist pandit, devoted to Avalokiteshvara.

    Asanga welikala biography

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  • In a debate with another pandit, she had called her opponent a woman and, because of this insult, Avalokiteshvara said she would be reborn as a woman times, but that he would always care for her. 

    Prakashashila was extremely learned in all fields of knowledge, but, in those days, the position of women was quite weak and so she vowed to have sons who would benefit the Dharma and all beings.

    She consorted with a prince from the kshatriya warrior caste and gave birth to Asanga. She educated him extensively herself. Years later, after Asanga became a monk, she gave birth to Vasubandhu, having consorted with a court brahmin. 

    After becoming a monk, Asanga studied the