Frank medrano calisthenics biography channel

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    Frank Medrano is a Fitness Model, Calisthenics Expert, Entrepreneur, Personal Trainer and an Activist born on May 20, 1958, (59 years old) in Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York, United States.

    Frank medrano calisthenics biography channel

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  • He is the son of Octavio Medrano and Martha Medrano. Frank Medrano is renowned for The Shawshank Redemption (1994). His zodiac sign is Taurus.

    Here is his youtube channel:

    As at June 2017, Frank Medrano’s weight is between 155 – 165lbs (70.3 – 74.8kg) and his Height was 5’9″ (175cm).

     In 2006 Medrano acquired his first gym membership.

    He began weight-lifting, and after some weeks, he observes his body and fitness started to improve steadily.


    Later in the year, his body was starting to take on a more sporty shape, which got him considering a career in the sports industry.

    Notably, Frank life-changing begins after spending a couple of years in the gym and becoming more confident with his abilities.

    He started bodyweight training in 2010. Along the way, he gr