Frank medrano calisthenics biography channel
Frank medrano wikipedia...
Frank Medrano is a Fitness Model, Calisthenics Expert, Entrepreneur, Personal Trainer and an Activist born on May 20, 1958, (59 years old) in Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York, United States.
Frank medrano calisthenics biography channel
He is the son of Octavio Medrano and Martha Medrano. Frank Medrano is renowned for The Shawshank Redemption (1994). His zodiac sign is Taurus.
Here is his youtube channel:
As at June 2017, Frank Medrano’s weight is between 155 – 165lbs (70.3 – 74.8kg) and his Height was 5’9″ (175cm).
In 2006 Medrano acquired his first gym membership.
He began weight-lifting, and after some weeks, he observes his body and fitness started to improve steadily.
Later in the year, his body was starting to take on a more sporty shape, which got him considering a career in the sports industry.
Notably, Frank life-changing begins after spending a couple of years in the gym and becoming more confident with his abilities.
He started bodyweight training in 2010. Along the way, he gr