Scientist robert koch biography

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    Robert Koch


    Who Was Robert Koch?

    Physician Robert Koch is best known for isolating the tuberculosis bacterium, the cause of numerous deaths in the mid-19th century.

    He won the Nobel Prize in 1905 for his work.

    Scientist robert koch biography

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  • He is considered one of the founders of microbiology and developed criteria, named Koch's postulates, that were meant to help establish a causal relationship between a microbe and a disease.

    Bacterial Discoveries

    Robert Koch has been celebrated for his research into the causes of notable diseases and presenting solutions to safeguard public health:


    While employed in private practice as a physician in Wollstein, Koch set to work on identifying the root cause of the anthrax that had felled livestock in the region.

    By inoculating healthy animals with infected tissue, he determined the ideal environment for the anthrax bacillus to spread, including transmission through soil by spores. Koch became the first to link a specific bacterium with a specific