Rebecca black biography imdb database

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    Rebecca Black - Trivia - IMDb!

    Rebecca Black

    Rebecca Renee Black (born June 21, 1997[1][2]) is an Americansinger-songwriter. who gained fame for her 2011 single, "Friday".

    Her single gained around 1,000 views in the first month and has had negative views.[3] After the video saw many views on YouTube and other social media websites, "Friday" expressed unpraise by many music critics and viewers.

    They described it as "the worst song ever".

    Rebecca black biography imdb database

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  • Rebecca Black - Trivia - IMDb
  • Rebecca black age 2011
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  • After the video was uploaded in Youtube on February 10, 2011 and its temporary removal on June 16, 2011, the music video received around 167 million views. Black re-uploaded it to her own YouTube channel in September 2011.

    Early life

    [change | change source]

    Rebecca Renee Black was born on June 21, 1997,[4] in Irvine, California.

    She is the daughter of John Jeffery Black and Georgina Marquez Kelly, who are veterinarians.[5] Her mother is of half Mexican ancestry, and her father is from Iowa,[6] is of Italian, Eng