Biography in context tutorial hijab

  • Biography in context tutorial hijab
  • Biography in context tutorial hijab

  • Biography in context tutorial hijab pdf
  • Biography in context gale group
  • Hijab definition islam
  • Rules of hijab
  • Biography in context gale group.

    Database Tutorials

    Reading Results and Articles


    Results pages vary in BIC, but if you've searched for someone of relative importance or notoriety, like Robert Capa below, your screen will look something like this:


    At the top of the page are some quick facts about the person - dates, a photo, the beginning of a biography.

    On the right side of the page is a list of all the documents about that person by type: biography, photo, audio, video, news articles, websites, magazine articles, etc.

    This list will change depending on what is available for that person.

    The rest of the page is separated by those content type categories with a previews of 3 articles of each kind. To see all the documents, click on the title of the content type you wish to look at.

    To see a document in full, click on its title.



    All of the articles in our Gale databases are full-text, so you don't have to worry about using Interlibrary Loan here!