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    Freestyle football

    Football juggling and tricks

    Freestyle football is the art of juggling a football using any part of the body, excluding the elbows to the hands.

    It combines football tricks, dance, acrobatics and music to entertain onlookers and compete with opponents. The official governing body for this sport is known as the World Freestyle Football Association (WFFA).[1][2]


    The art of freestyle football can be traced to games of Southeast Asia such as chinlone, jianzi and sepak takraw, which have been practised for 2, years.

    Fundamental freestyle tricks such as the 'Neck Stall' and 'Around The World' were first popularly performed in the West by circus performers, notably including Enrico Rastelli and Francis Brunn.[3][4]

    In the s and s, Argentine footballer Diego Maradona famously brought his freestyle 'Life is Life' warm-up to international attention while playing for SSC&#;Napoli.

    The ability to freestyle, however, w